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[:fr]Étude de la biodisponibilité des antibiotiques avant et après la chirurgie bariatrique chez le patient atteint d’obésité (Pr Blandine Rammaert)

VisionThe project Basic research project directed by Professor Nicolas Leveziel, ophthalmology department head at the CHU of Poitiers, using stem cells in the study of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The research team The project leader is Professor Nicolas Leveziel, ophthalmology department head at the Poitiers CHU. His team is composed of Audrey Leguen, a doctoral [...]

Public health house

Retour à la liste des projetsLe projet Financement des équipements et des activités de la Villa Santé, la maison de la santé publique du CHU de Poitiers inaugurée en novembre 2018. Les porteurs du projet Le projet est porté par le Pr Virginie Migeot, chef du service de santé publique du CHU de Poitiers. Détails [...]

Research on age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

VisionThe project Basic research project directed by Professor Nicolas Leveziel, ophthalmology department head at the CHU of Poitiers, using stem cells in the study of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The research team The project leader is Professor Nicolas Leveziel, ophthalmology department head at the Poitiers CHU. His team is composed of Audrey Leguen, a doctoral [...]

[:fr]Génération de mini-reins à partir de cellules souches urinaires : un modèle innovant pour la recherche sur la transplantation d’organes (Clara Steichen)

VisionThe project Basic research project directed by Professor Nicolas Leveziel, ophthalmology department head at the CHU of Poitiers, using stem cells in the study of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The research team The project leader is Professor Nicolas Leveziel, ophthalmology department head at the Poitiers CHU. His team is composed of Audrey Leguen, a doctoral [...]

[:fr]Cartographier le mal de dos grâce à une application pour mieux soigner les malades (Pr Philippe Rigoard)

VisionThe project Basic research project directed by Professor Nicolas Leveziel, ophthalmology department head at the CHU of Poitiers, using stem cells in the study of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The research team The project leader is Professor Nicolas Leveziel, ophthalmology department head at the Poitiers CHU. His team is composed of Audrey Leguen, a doctoral [...]

Evaluation of an innovative imagery technique (OCT) for placement of coronary stents

Cardiology and vascular diseasesThe project Financing of an innovative imaging technique, OCT (optical coherence tomography), used in the framework of the coronary angioplasties called CTO (chronic total occlusions) of the coronary artery. The project leader Doctor Sébastien Levesque, cardiologist of the Poitiers CHU, co-leader of the cardiology intensive care unit. Examples of OCT analyses of [...]
VisionThe project Basic research project directed by Professor Nicolas Leveziel, ophthalmology department head at the CHU of Poitiers, using stem cells in the study of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The research team The project leader is Professor Nicolas Leveziel, ophthalmology department head at the Poitiers CHU. His team is composed of Audrey Leguen, a doctoral [...]

[:fr]Projet de recherche fondamentale sur l’étude des tumeurs cérébrales (glioblastomes) (Dr Pierre-Olivier Guichet)

VisionThe project Basic research project directed by Professor Nicolas Leveziel, ophthalmology department head at the CHU of Poitiers, using stem cells in the study of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The research team The project leader is Professor Nicolas Leveziel, ophthalmology department head at the Poitiers CHU. His team is composed of Audrey Leguen, a doctoral [...]

Study of brain tumors

CancerologyThe project Project of basic research on the study of brain tumors in the adult. The research team The project is piloted by Professor Benoît Bataille, head of the neurosurgery department of the Poitiers CHU. His team is composed of Professor Lucie Karayan-Tapon,person in charge of the laboratory of biological cancerology/Inserm U1084, Sylvain Portet, a [...]

Research on endocrine disruptors

Endocrine disruptorsThe project Contributing to financing the acquisition of a mass spectrometer for a research project on endocrine disruptors. The research team The project is piloted by Professor Virginie Migeot and the CIC 102 Inserm team Axe HEDEX (Health, Endocrine Disruptors, EXposome). Project details The expression endocrine disruptors (ED) indicates any substance or molecule foreign [...]

Financing of the RosaTM robot in neurosurgery

RoboticsThe project Contribution to financing of the robot RosaTM in neurosurgery. The research team The project is piloted by Professors Benoît Bataille, Michel Wager and Philippe Rigoard, neurosurgeons at the Poitiers CHU. Project details Rosa will change the lives of patients suffering from Parkinson's disease. Behind this female name hides a robot fitted out with [...]